"To this day we have told our story to so many friends and friends of friends and anyone else who will listen"



Dear Lyn


Firstly many thanks for the gift, we have already put it to good use. Secondly we thought we would take time off our busy parenting schedule to write to you expressing both our gratitude for your support and to tell all about the amazing hypno birth journey we have undergone.



As many parents will testify, the moment we discover that there will be an addition to the family a sense of excitement and anxiety sets in. To alleviate this anxiety we went about in search of support in any form for the upcoming event. Unfortunately on the idyllic island of Koh Samui off the Gulf of Thailand this was hard to come by.

The lack of ante natal classes, clinical advice and parenting groups was alarming. This led us to search far off these crystals waters for alternative measures. A casual conversation led us to explore the world of Hypnobirthing and on the recommendation of a friend we found Lyn Cole.

We decided to fly her to our shores and in return for a great holiday we asked her to provide us with a Hypnobirthing program. This was ideal as it would allow us to schedule classes as we required rather than be tied to a fixed timetable.



Over the course of 12 days we managed to finish the course at our leisure and it was great to have Lyn around for additional advice. We decided to four afternoons of class each at around 4hours duration.

The information provided was insightful practical and very useful. Lyn clarified lots of myths and uncertainties surrounding child birth and the realities of clinical births. Understanding creates acceptance and this was a key factor in the whole journey. Armed with new knowledge we confidently embraced the methodology and practices she gave us.

We experienced at first hand how quick and easy it was to apply "self- relaxation" techniques and to administer these to our partner. Visualization and positive affirmation processes were invaluable as it prepared us to accept all that came with the birth ahead.

The classes are just the catalyst as we found that we required discipline to practice the techniques and rigorously apply them daily. We decided on practice sessions of 20 mins twice a day. These became enjoyable and very relaxing.

At this time we would like to add that we visualized a daytime birth with a labour of no more than two hours.




I awoke at 4am and went to the toilet, on the way back to bed I felt some water run down my leg, being half asleep i thought nothing of it and went back to bed. I woke again several times between then and 630am i was having quite a few practice labour movements... Throughout these I  just kept calm and breathed my way through. I had never  had so many in such a short space of time. I woke my husband to let  him know i thought today would be the day baby arrived to which he replied "just practice honey go back to sleep" not wanting to seem like a wimp I did just that. I woke again about 9am and thought I would just check how far apart these practices were.... They seemed to be roughly 10  minutes. Still concentrating on breathing and the techniques we had practiced we stayed in bed until 10am. We then decided to go to the hospital and check as i had noticed a few spots of blood. Calmly i showered and changed and we drove tom the hospital. We arrived at approx 1045am.


Once at the hospital the kind nurse took us to be checked...  By this time i was having surges about 2 minutes apart....due to my calm exterior the poor girl had no idea i was actually in labour... She checked my height (of all things to check) weight and blood pressure. I asked if she could check and see how dilated I was. The nurse chuckled and said "no problem Madame you wait for doctor" they let me lie down and strapped a monitor to my stomach. As the surges came I calmly met each one. I was very aware of my husband taking control of the nurses around us and I know he had the area handled. I remember turning to him and saying i dont know why but I really feel like she is coming I still had no idea we were so close. Eventually our doctor arrived. I heard my husband ask please "can you check how dilated she is?" The doctor took one look and rushed us into the laybour suite. Wow now I knew it was business.... Within 3 birth breaths and not a tear or scream  our beautiful daughter was brought into our world in 23 minutes. The doctors and nurses were amazed. Hypnobirthing truly was my savior. Baby Piper arrived calmly and safely just as we had envisaged. I didn't feel at all tired, sore or emotionally drained just full of life and energy. I couldn't believe how easy,painless and beautiful our birth was.


To this day we have told our story to so many friends and friends of friends and anyone else who will listen. Lyn we are truly thankful to of met you and your lovely Pete, not only did we learn a great deal we made two new friends.  Xx


Our daughter Piper Scotia Man is calm,  relaxed and a dream child, these first 4 weeks have been a real joy which we also attribute to her peaceful entry to our world. Our outlook on parenting is also one of calmness positive attitude and gratitude all of which we experienced due to the hypo birth program.


Love Fi, Jonny, Piper




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